About Me

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I'm just a guy trying to make it through life one day at a time.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Weeeeeeeeeelllllllll... I thought before I did any serious blogging that I should introduce myself. I'm 36 years old, married to whom I think is the most beautiful woman in the world, am a proud father of a 17 month old, and currently have 2 dogs and 3 cats. I currently work at a paper mill as a safety coordinator (no I'm not a security guard) and am also a part time firefighter with a local fire department.

I'm a little overweight. Ok.. maybe more than just "a little" but I attribute it to my wife's cooking. I could stand to lose a good 60 pounds, but hey... when the price of gas goes back up to 10 bucks a gallon and no one can afford food, I have some extra around the middle to pull from. The skinny people will be dead, and the fat shall inherit the earth.

I am a self-confessed lightbar and radio geek. Anything having to do with these two subjects, I am an expert on. Don't get into an argument with me... you won't win. :-)

That me in a nutshell. I look forward to sharing with you the bits of chaos that erupt in my life on occasion.

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